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Online Radio Program About Travel Under DevelopmentViews: 544
May 12, 2010 8:27 pmOnline Radio Program About Travel Under Development#

R. A. (Dick) Nichols
I am developing a weekly one-hour online talk radio program focusing on the travel industry.
Each episode will highlight travel packages currently available around the world including great destinations, hotels, restaurants, cultural attractions and history, along with practical advice on climate, clothing, customs, food and the best way to get around once you're there. It will feature interviews with tour operators, people who provide transportation and accommodation and those who operate attractions. In essence, each segment will be a mini radio documentary about the experience which the tour offers.
In addition, each episode will include a five-minute segment of news and information of interest to travelers and industry professionals.
My role will consist of recording the interviews, writing the narrative and putting these mini documentaries together. I have over 25 years of experience doing this and a studio for recording the interviews over the telephone
The program will air on a weekday and then be available on demand at the broadcaster's site and the program’s blog page.
I'm looking for help identifying travel packages to highlight and sponsors who are willing to underwrite the program - to the tune of $250 US a week per sponsor - in return for a 60-second commercial within each program; ads (including links or video clips) on the blog site, and sponsor credits on promotional emails and audio announcements that I’ll send to my email list and provide to sponsors to send to theirs. I need a minimum of six sponsors and can accommodate up to 11.
If you want more information, contact me through Ryze.

Private Reply to R. A. (Dick) Nichols

May 20, 2010 5:29 amre: Online Radio Program About Travel Under Development#

Ernie Martin
Sounds like a good program. Maybe develop some budget tour packages in Russia (Trans Siberian Rail), India, China, Brazil,rail travel between London and Istanbul, etc.


Ernie Martin

Private Reply to Ernie Martin

May 22, 2010 8:42 amre: Online Radio Program About Travel Under Development#

Farha Naaz
Its great programme. It will Rock.

Sounds absurd and funny, doesn’t it?

But not to us.

According to our vision at KV Tours & Travels we use tourism as a very positive platform provided to couples who are planning to go in for a divorce. It is a very unique concept, unexplored by anybody else in the industry.

This being a niche segment, these vacations are specialized and custom-made to the tee.
This is more as an opportunity for couples to rescue your marriages. The idea of arranging for a vacation is directed at friends and relatives of the couple whose marriage is in trouble.
(family and relatives try to avoid divorce).

We arrange for couples to get away for a vacation to a private beach or go anywhere else that's fun and romantic. With locations and activities carefully planned by our experts, this will definitely facilitate to revive some relationships that have been tested over time.

The global divorce rate is increasing alarmingly.

Even though India boasts of nearly 100% success rate of marriages, rapid urbanization are now causing the divorce rate to shoot up. It is being seen among the educated and career oriented couples that families are breaking up faster than they are being formed.

That’s where come in to

Whatever be the outcome the sweet memories of the vacation will always be cherished. Things can end on a Sweet note with a better learning of each other, better understanding of each other’s nature, personality, better communication between both partners and will thus reduce negativity and hard feelings between the two.

‘It is all about ending a Divorce’.

(Research has been done for 1 1/2 yr)
(KV T has always been pioneers in launching new concepts in tourism)
(In 98% cases people want to avoid the situation of divorce)
(Keeping in mind personality & preference of the couple the destination is selected)
(There is a possibility that the couple may not even talk to each other, in this case another couple is sent along with them. This couple is from our office itself and they are trained counselors which is not told to the couple. This is to bring them closer together.)

Contact: 912232469191-28952929-919821030949
Email: kvedu@vidilon.com, kvedu@yahoo.co.in , www.vidlon.com

Private Reply to Farha Naaz

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