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Travel Biz in Troubled Times - SuggestionsViews: 1137
Nov 28, 2008 6:27 amTravel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Ashis Dutta
Global recession has hit the entire world. And parts of the world are hit by terrorism as well.

The travel and tourism business are the first to be hit under such conditions.

Why not put our brains together to find out what all can be done by individual properties, operators and others in the business to tide over the situation.

Every suggestion, however weird or trivial may apparently seem, is valuable.

Here’s one to start with:

Take stock of the primary and secondary focused groups that your unit has been catering to. Then find out other groups that have been left out so far. Can any of these groups be targeted with little adjustment in your supply system?

Over to you all to put your thoughts.


Private Reply to Ashis Dutta

Nov 28, 2008 9:35 pmre: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Diana McSpadden
Hi. Due to the nature of my travel business, I've been very blessed. Rather than being hit hard by both terrorism and the economy, my business is growing. We are expanding.

I'm sorry, though, that it has hit so many companies. I can't imagine having invested in such a wonderful career to have the outside influences hit such as they are.

What are you personally catering to?

Right now, I'm doing fundraising cruises as it seems that the cruise industry has just continued to increase its business. Seems safer to many and it's less expensive due to its inclusiveness. Saves time and money when you're restaurant is travelling with you! :)

Please check out Dreamachiever.etraverus and click on Presentations. Then, click on Traverus Business Presentation. You'll be amazed at what we offer, and since you have experience in the travel industry, you might want to consider joining us to supplement your income right now. Supplemental income is always a good thing!

Please contact me with questions,

Private Reply to Diana McSpadden

Dec 02, 2008 7:45 amre: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Lalit Saraswat
Thats a good suggestion Ashis.

1. I believe in investing more in advertising and marketing - it is against the tide, but works well for everyone I know. In good times, 100 hotels advertise. In bad times, almost everybody slashes their advertising and marketing budget or stops completely. So that means when you spend on advertising, your advertisements are noticed as most of your competition is not visible.

2. Invest in Technology - CRM, Online Marketing, whatever you have identified that will help you save more. The returns will be worth it. For example, we invested in a CRM during a lean patch, and realised the CRM was doing the job of 5 sales persons, but cost practically nothing. The CRM will also help you market to older customers or leads that did not convert.

Private Reply to Lalit Saraswat

Dec 03, 2008 9:01 pmre: re: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Ernie Martin
CNN TV showed a piece that few agencies are taking "lay away" plans for travel vacations. Which means start putting away money for that plane fare/accomodations few $$'s at a time for few months and enjoy the vacation and is paid for.


Ernie Martin

Get Control of Your Finances
Positive Living and Belief Systems Network Co-Moderator

Private Reply to Ernie Martin

Dec 18, 2008 9:42 amre: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Daulat Deshmukh
Well, I believe that these times should be looked as a positive times for the Travel Industry!

(I think a bit differently)

1]The terriost strike as well as slowing economy, has given a time for lot of us as well as other people to think and take stock of things!

a) The people who were in the busy rat race would be busy (& Should be encoraged) to take stock of things and take this oppurtune time towards taking their families for outings and bonding with them. Start looking for health related holidays and wilderness holidays to de-stress and just cool down. Help them rethink their life style, stratagies and future course of action with a rejuvinated vigour.
The travel industry should make use of these things and suggest to their clients these theems and ways to bounce back!

b)Re-packaging travel destinations with suggested theems would be value addition to travelers! (Their benefit is your benefit)

2] When the general population is scared and confused, it is all the more time to focus on self and selfdevelopment. As when times are good everybody is focusing on work and things on hand.

3] This is the best time to promote Domestic Tourism!

Simply, the Travel Industry needs to be more pro-active in approach.

Private Reply to Daulat Deshmukh

Dec 18, 2008 10:24 amre: re: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Farha Naaz
Dear Friends,

Greetings from KV Tours & Travels-KV Event & Adventure!!!

Firstly I am happy that our people gothrough the thread listed on Ryze.

I fully appreciate with Mr.Desmukh.That in this period we have to do something different.I have also choosen the same way, We are nowadays promoting the Easter cup International Football Event & giving the chance to the Indian Football players to come in Vision.As only the cricket is promoted on large scale from India.I liked some other sports activity to promote & here I got the chance to promote & bring the Football players & Football theme in Vision to our Indian People.

In this we got the oppurtunity with Tourism also, where we have alraedy done teh bookings for the Event for staying,visas, food & also the sight seeings where they will be enjoying their trip with sport along with leisure days.Hotels are Booked with 3* & 4* category, Food will be Indian as well as European taste to feel the country primeness.

Here we got the oppurtunity to take up the Tourism field on fast way, when the bad positions are goingon in the world, where we are busy with the excellent responses & bookings of the groups from India to Europe.We are fully busy wwith the Tourism related projects itself.We usally do the Tourism projects in some diffrent format always.

I hope this may rock & roll to everyone in their business.

KV Tours & Travels [kvedu aat te rate yahoo dot co dot in]
KV Sports [kvsports at the rate gmail dot com
KV Event & Adventure [kvevent at the rate gmail dot com]

Private Reply to Farha Naaz

Dec 24, 2008 4:11 amre: re: re: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Srijith Sridharan
Hi All,
Nice to see that the Think tanks and Industry experts have at last found time to sit and discuss the problems faced by the Tourism Industry mainly at a time when the global economy is melting.
I am a Management Consultant based at Cochin catering to many corporate houses and travel and tour operators too come in line.
I have certain suggestions, which I hope may be worth enough to be considered.
1). We speak of tourism business based on tourist inflow but never tried to study what or who a tourist is. The general tourist is a person who is in search of leisure and needs the maximum output for the money they spent.
But there are people who travel as they have been bit by the travel bug, the traveller tourists. They need to learn different culture, share experiences and experience the most -- we need to market among those who are in search of better and newer experiences, through unique packages and services. Travellers, keep on travelling even rome is in fire...
2). We were just selling our geography, History, Culture and Environment, geneerally.
The same is there in many parts of the world although with slight difference in its prescence across the borders. Hence Kerala may have to compete with SriLanka, Rajasthan with Middle east and the like. But if we develop specific products that can be provided in a region alone then recession is not a matter of worry for us.
Eg: Just imagine the number of Competetive Exam Training Centres that has sprouted across the country in the last five years. All parents, including us want our children to be a Bill Gates or V.Anand. Now Kerala is proud enough to boast about a trasure of Ayrvedic systems of medicine. Just imagine if it could be connected for the betterment of Brain Enhancement through Yoga, Meditation, Ayurvedic Treatments etc will you sent your child for a refresher course if it can improve your childs brain and memory power. Naturally you will, for education recession is not a matter as you want your child to excel.
Like wise many other specific products can be designed.
3).There are many tourism areas where we need to explore more with regards to new experience. Genealogy Tourism, Aqua Tourism, Adventure tourism, Medical Tourism, and many other systems can be developed.
4).The Global Economy Meltdown has really hit the US and European areas. So we need to find newer buyers in the international spectrum. For Eg. we are planning to have a tie-up with IBN BATUTA MALL , a shopping mall in Dubai which is named after the noted Arab Traveller IBN BATUTA. Packages like Arabian Nights or Persian Dreams with inputs from the historic areas where IBN BATUTA travelled once will really give a different experience.
5). For 400-500 years India was a colony of various Empires. There were many foriegn officers who worked in the country during those days and many places are named after them. JIM CORBETT National Park is an example. tracing their present successors and inviting them to be in India to experience a different India, from what their fore fathers have mentioned can be effectively developed into a unique package.
These are some basic inputs, could provide more info if needed. Its high time we focus on premium products rather than still betting on our Golden Traingle and natural beauty.

Private Reply to Srijith Sridharan

Dec 24, 2008 4:35 amre: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Jean Liu
Quite agree that "Travel Industry needs to be more pro-active in approach".

The recession and terrorism didn't stop people from traveling. They just travel to different destinations or in a different way. Think need to find out the clients' needs. Either shift to their focus, or guide them to what you offer.

local guides, local wisdom
*** OurExplorer is for adventurous travelers who seek an authentic and meaningful travel experience. We connect travelers with professional tour guides in over 200 cities around the world.

Private Reply to Jean Liu

Dec 24, 2008 7:24 amre: re: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Peter Thompson
I have created a website to attract all visitors who are interested in visiting or passing through Johannesburg, South Africa. I cover hotels, bed and breakfasts, shopping, tours, safaris, leisure activities, safaris, etc, and people can also make bookings through my site, www.myjohannesburginfo.com. I hope that in this way, anyone who is interested in Johannesburg will be able to use my site without having to go to several sites to finalize their visit plans. I believe that this will also attract advertisers to my site, because they only have to advertise on one site, instead of several sites in order to find new customers. Perhaps this is a way to keep the customer interest in one's site fairly high. Peter www.myjohannesburginfo.com peter@myjohannesburginfo.com

Private Reply to Peter Thompson

Dec 24, 2008 7:47 amre: re: re: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Sudha Gupta
Hi Friends

Having been for over 13 years in Tourism, have witnessed many situations which have struck tourism, starting from Anthrax threat to possibility of US striking mid east after 9/11 to Tsunami and so on.

There were immediate lay off in huge numbers in one go, specially after 9/11 but we recovered very soon. In last 2 years India was booming and we know what prices we paid to hotels to get a single room confirmed during certain periods.

Travel was hit but not for long. People recover fast and normalcy resumes. In fact travel increases as hotel rates go down ( we can already see the reaction from supplier side, be it hotel or airlines). So it won't be long when people will pack the bags again.

At the same time, i think its time to expand our service base to cater to forthcoming demand after this lull. That's what we are doing... contacting and contracting with new partners world over.

We are serving not only in India but have both incoming & outgoing business from/to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives. Have traveled to all these countries and have tie ups which is benefiting us & our partners mutually

Please don't hesitate to contact us, should you think we can be of any help.

Warm regards, Sudha Gupta

Vedic Tours & Travels Pvt Ltd
205, II Floor Anchal Plaza
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070, India
Email: info@vedictours.net
Phone: 0091-11-26130307 (10am-6pm)

Private Reply to Sudha Gupta

Dec 26, 2008 11:03 amre: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Ashis Dutta
An amusing (and intriguing) observation.

I have observed that in India the State governments organize many festivals around heritage sites to attract tourists. Surprisingly, these are not advertised or published properly.

To give you an example, on the 24th. of Dec., a half page advertisement in an important (and expensive) newspaper of Bangalore came out on the Mammalapuram music and dance festival. The crux is – the festival starts on the 25th., i.e. the next day. No time left for planning to attend.

Hold on. The half page advertisement is full of pictures and names of politicians who are going to inaugurate the program, and not that of the artists who are going to perform.

Further, no mention of the local office where information on the program, travel or stay may be available.

This is the same story with many such programs including that of Hampi (which can be a case study in mismanagement as well) and of other places.

I am intrigued as to for whom these festivals are organized? Why waste such opportunity to augment tourism?

I recently attended one such festival in Rajasthan which is pretty well organized. The ones in Gujarat are also advertised well on time. But they seem to be exceptions rather than the rule.

There seem to be a lot of opportunity to enhance such festival or event based tourism in India.


Private Reply to Ashis Dutta

Dec 26, 2008 12:13 pmre: re: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Raj Tamang
Hi Lalit,
I totaly agree with you. Now is the time for Small to Medium tour copanies to advertise as most of the rivals refrain from marketing during the economy slowdown.

Sadly most people gets affected by the recession but sadly but truly some benefit from it, hence they can afford to travel. Some other who have been too busy making money during the boom and couldn't take time off to travel. Now that they have been laid off, they can afford the time to travel to destinations they always wanted to but didn't have the time.

Raj Tamang
CEO and Founder
Responsible Adventures

Private Reply to Raj Tamang

Jan 12, 2009 4:29 amre: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#



Private Reply to Jennifer

Jan 22, 2009 10:51 amre: re: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

Lalit Saraswat
We conducted a brainstorming session in a local industry association, the results were interesting. Some of them can be tweaked and applied to your businesses:

1. Focus Area: Internal Cost Cutting
reduce rejections.
give department wise targets.
use email v/s telephone
relook at process
do a time study to put standards in place
consider collective bargaining
collaborate (eg: washing powder manufacturer transporting goods in collaboration with a storage tank manufacturer)

2. Focus Area: Reprioritize Consumer Segments
all segments have not been equally hit
supply to the government
redefine business (eg: struggling carpainter transforming into a proitable coffin maker)
identify your own strength

3. Focus Area: Technology
use google and other search engines effectively
use IT in operations to save money and add value
invest in a CRM
use google docs - its good, its free

4. Focus Area: HR
great time to hire good people
invest in training
provide growth opportunities for existing people
use (free) training videos to save
implement 5S



Private Reply to Lalit Saraswat

Feb 02, 2009 3:04 amre: re: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

What is CRM?

Private Reply to Marlynn

Feb 03, 2009 8:01 pmre: re: Travel Biz in Troubled Times - Suggestions#

marlena sheinbein
A way to help the travel biz is to really serve and market to travelers/guests with disabilities. If that had been done before the downturn, the situation with the travel industry would be much better now.

Private Reply to marlena sheinbein

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